
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tamaki Suoh

Tamaki Suoh (須王 環, Suō Tamaki?) (born 8 April, Buddha's birthday),[8] aged 17 at beginning of the series,[3] is a second-year student at Ouran Academy and the founder and president of the Host Club.he is The idiotic host king, who created and founded the club. He is very charismatic and charming and considers himself the "Daddy" of the group. He is also the "princely" type or "the king" in the host club. He considers his relationship with Haruhi as paternal in nature, but is often seen using it to mask his true feelings that he is in love with her. The twins use that to their advantage and harass Haruhi in front of him to anger one or both of them. He also has has a strange interest in the commoner and Japanese lifestyle from him moving to Japan from France when he was fourteen due to family issues. His reason in starting the host club was simply because he wanted to make others smile and be happy.

While he is flamboyant and narcissistic, he is dedicated to his duties as a host. He is the "Princely type" to entertain and ply customers with an upper class etiquette and shameless flattery. He is partial to classic piano music and plays exceedingly well. He has a teddy bear called Kuma-chan ("Beary" in English; kuma being Japanese for bear). He refers to his Club as his "family": Kyoya being the mother figure; Haruhi being the daughter; Hikaru and Kaoru as the brothers; Morinozuka and Haninozuka the cousins.

As Tamaki is the main comic relief character of the series, he is outspoken and naïve for his age, especially since he only views himself as an obsessive father figure to Haruhi; however, in reality he is in love with her. Mori (as well as Honey) points out his naiveté when it comes to how he truly feels about Haruhi, and the rest of the club sees this too. His naiveté applies to his overall dense approach to his own feelings, though he is very perceptive of the feelings of others, which Hikaru and Kaoru both note. He often gets jealous of other boys who get close to Haruhi and admires her natural abilities. Both characters eventually realize they have feelings for the other.

Tamaki is half Japanese and half French, and is in his father's custody. His father is the wealthy chairman of Ouran Academy. They live separately from his French mother because of a deal between Tamaki's ill mother and cold-hearted paternal grandmother. Tamaki lives at the Suoh family's second mansion while his father lives at the main mansion with Tamaki's grandmother. Despite his grandmother forbidding Tamaki from seeing his mother, Tamaki treats his grandmother kindly and persuades her to accept him as a part of the Suoh family. In volume 16, he befriended and become close with Megumi Kanoya who is a new student suffering from family troubles. Tamaki realizes that he cannot help Megumi because her family matters are similar to his own family matters. He has rejected her romantic advances twice, since his feelings towards her are more of a familial affection.

His family name is romanized by VIZ Media as Suoh[9] and by Chuang Yi, Funimation,[10] and Nippon Television's Japanese-language website as Suou.[11] His full name is revealed to be René Tamaki Richard de Grandtaine in chapter 55.[12]

At the end of chapter 64, he finally realizes that he loves Haruhi as a man and not a father. He reveals this in chapter 67 after his Club members state that while they are not his family, the bonds of their friendship will not break, even if he pursues Haruhi romantically. At chapter 68, after a fit of depression and strange behaviour, he finally accepts his feelings and returns to his former happy self. However, he still cannot find the courage to confess his love for Haruhi, as he is afraid she doesn't return his feelings.

In volume 16, after Tamaki is allowed to move into the Suoh family main residence, he tries to get on better terms with his grandmother. She demanded Tamaki to break all ties with Haruhi because of the trouble he caused her and the school by hiding her gender. Tamaki quits the club and tells Haruhi that she may quit as well. However, it was revealed that his father, in cooperation with Kyouya's father and their companies, developed a medicine that can cure Tamaki's mother's disease. They also planned to remove Tamaki's grandmother as headmaster of the Suoh business. While everyone, including Tamaki's father, is satisfied with the president being removed from her position, Tamaki cannot forgive his father for what he has done. He is heartbroken for his grandmother and hardly eats or go to school. In response to his depression, all of his friends and colleagues begin to worry. At the end of chapter 78, Yuzuru meets with Anne Sophie, Tamaki's mother, at the airport and welcomes her to Japan. In chapter 79 Tamaki refuses to meet with his mother, fearing it will hurt his grandmother, and his mother has no choice but to leave due to her illness still not allowing her to stay in another country for too long.

In chapter 80, after Haruhi persuades him, Tamaki utilizes the help of his fellow Host Club members, his classmates and the Host Club's regular customers to get to the airport in time to meet his mother for the first time in three years. He is nervous on the way to the airport, and asks Haruhi to "stay with him until the very end". They hold hands during the entire trip to the airport. Tamaki and his mother share a brief but heartfelt reunion.

Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano (anime and later drama CDs),[4][13] Hikaru Midorikawa (early drama CDs),[14] Vic Mignogna (English)[7]

Sam Winchester

Samuel "Sam" Winchester ( aka The Boy King) is the son of John and Mary Winchester & younger brother of bad boy supernatural hunter Dean Winchester. He was born May 2nd, 1983. He is named after his maternal grandfather (Samuel Campbell). His mother was killed on the night of his 6 month birthday when a demon engulfed her in flames. Sam then lived on the move with his father and brother learning to hunt supernatural beings. As Sam grew older the strain between he & his father intensified upon Sam's discovery of his brother and father's hunting of evil beings. After a while, he decided he no longer wanted to hunt and eventually left to go to Stanford University. It was there that he met his girlfriend Jessica Moore who was later killed by the very same demon that killed his mother. After this second tragedy in his life, he decided to team up with his brother Dean once again and hunt all supernatural evil in hopes of one day finding and killing the demon that plagued his life. Along the way, Sam began to realize he had certain powers within him. He began to have visions of the future and a kind of telekinesis that allowed him to move objects with his mind. Unsure of the extent of his powers and how to use them, Sam now lives on the road with his brother in search of the demon and answers to questions of his new abilities. He died in 2007 in the battle to kill the demon that murdered his mother and girlfriend but was later revived when Dean sold his soul for Sam's life. Sam's soul purpose in life, now, is to save his brother from his early flight to hell.

Beliefs: Sam believes that with all the evil that is out there, there has to be something good as well. He prayed every day.

Likes: Sam loves his family above all things.

Dislikes: Sam does not like when people call him "Sammy", unless it is his brother Dean and definitely he hates clowns.

Fav Thing to call his brother: Jerk!

Family: John Winchester (father, deceased), Mary Winchester (mother, deceased), Adam Winchester (half brother--resurrected by Zechariah), Dean Winchester (full brother, living).

Stefan Salvatore

Stefan Salvatore was born in Renesance, Italy. He and his brother, Damon, were changed by the girl they both loved, Katherine. When Stefan discovered she was "dead." Damon and Stefan fought to the death. 500 years later Stefan decided to go to Fell's Church, Virginia where he met Elena--who had a striking resemblance to Katherine. He tried to avoid Elena at all costs. But he couldn't resist.

Damon Salvatore

Damon Salvatore is Stefan Salvatore's older brother. On the tv show, it implies that him and Stefan have been live for over 175 years, and that there was a love triangle between Damon, Stefan, and Katherine. On the show it hasn't yet told us how he and Stefan became vampires, but in the books Katherine is the one who turned both of them, but she still couldn't decide who she wanted to be with. Damon is cynical and likes to antagonize his brother on the show. It's also stated that he and his brother haven't seen each other in 15 years and Damon saying some along the lines of 'Nice haircut. The 90's grunge wasn't looking good for you."

Dean Winchester

History: Dean Winchester was born on January 24th, 1979 and is the son of John and Mary Winchester and the older brother of Sam Winchester (who's known to demons as "The Boy King"). He is named after his maternal grandmother (Deanna Campbell). On November 2, 1983 his mother was killed by a demon, engulfing her in flames on the ceiling. As soon as he was old enough to hold a gun, John began training Dean to hunt the things that go bump in the night, in hopes of someday finding and killing the demon who killed his mother. His father later disappeared and Dean went to find his brother Sam, or Sammy as he likes to call him, in hopes of teaming up with him. After Sam's girlfriend was killed by the same demon who murdered their mother Dean and Sam travel together hunting all supernatural evil. In 2007, Sam died and Dean sold his soul to give Sam his life back. In return Dean is given only one year to live before he will be summoned to hell. On May 2nd, 2008 ( also Sam's birthday) Dean's deal was realized when he died and went to hell.

On September 18,2008 Dean was resurrected, after spending a little over 4 months in Hell(which we learn feels like 40 years). He soon learns that he was pulled out by an angel named Castiel, because they have work for him to do. So far the 4th season has been about Dean discovering what his purpose is and also what Sam has done when he was in Hell.

Beliefs: Dean believes only what he sees with his two eyes.

Likes: Dean loves his car (1967 Chevy Impala). He also loves classic rock. Dean also likes vibrating beds, sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women. Dean also loves to eat and will try, it seems, almost anything. There is also a possibility he watches Oprah. But above all, Dean loves his family and will do anything to protect them, even sell his soul.

Dislikes: Dean hates all things evil. He has sworn to kill all supernatural evil for as long as they exist. He also hates flying.

Credo: Led Zeppelin rules!

Favorite thing to call his brother: Bitch and Sammy

Family: John Winchester (father, deceased), Mary Winchester (mother, deceased), Adam Winchester (half brother--resurrected by Zechariah), Sam Winchester (full brother, living).

According to the archangels, Dean has the title, or at least the function, of the Sword of Michael. They intend for him to be the vessel of the archangel Michael.

Barney Stinson

Barney NICKNAMES: Broda, Barn, The Barnacle, Barnito supreme, Swarley, Swarles( Barkley), Swar-wait-for-it-ley, Bob Swarley-man, Swar-lay, Swarlos, Jennifer, Starney Binson

Barneys ALIASES: Jack Package, The Commodore, Larney (evil twin brother), Swarley, "Ted Mosby, Architect"

Barney Stinson is Ted Mosby's wingman and friend. He almost always wears suits (except when attending funerals because suits are supposed to express joy), is a womanizer and an amateur magician. Is known to use the words "Awesome" and "Legendary" too liberally and often invents his own High Fives.

Barney works at Goliath National Bank but nobody knows what he really does. When asked about what he actually does, Barney merely responds; "Ha....Please." On the official How I Met Your Mother blog it shows that Barney's position allows him to shout to the V.P. Synergy and President of France.

He is in love Ted's ex-girlfriend Robin Scherbatsky, but after dating Robin for a couple of months, the two decided to return to just being friends.

Barney has only one guideline in his no-moral quest for women: "The Bro Code," a book of his own set of rules (although he claims that The Bro Code was written by his ancestor Barnabus Stinson in 1776).

Barney became a suit-wearing womanizer after his long-term girlfriend Shannon cheated on him and then dumped him for a soulless corporate sellout (this person inspired him to be what he is now). Prior to this, he was an amateur musician in a coffee house where he and Shannon worked. He planned to join the Peace Corps with Shannon and go to Nicaragua. He was also saving himself until marriage.

Barney appears confident but is actually very sensitive; he loves Ted and their friendship and often refers to himself as Ted's 'best friend,' which Ted repeatedly denies.

He is also very committed to Marshall and Lily's relationship; when they break up, he is instrumental in bringing them back together, and he is the only one in the group to cry at their wedding ceremony. When he finds out they will try to have a baby after seeing his doppleganger, he dresses up as a knife juggling street performer to attempt to trick them into trying.

His friendship with Robin becomes more and more important to him; after discovering that his philandering is upsetting her after they have broken up, he sends Robin on the perfect New York date with her boyfriend Don, and refuses to sleep with hot writer Anita, played by Jennifer Lopez, jumping into the East River to prevent himself from doing so.

Barney has a brother who is an African-American homosexual named James, and a promiscuous mother who told Barney that his father was Bob Barker, longtime host of The Price is Right, after he was asking too many questions. It is more likely that she was dodging her son's questions about his father since she obviously slept around so much.

He likes to smoke Cubans and play laser tag. He has never lost a game of Battle Ship (he cheats by stacking ships on each other ).

Barney is an illusionist. His favorite type of magic is with fire, which his friends hate because he often uses it to score with girls, and he has set fire to things in the past. He is currently banned from practicing any of his fire illusions in MacLaren's.

Barney CATCHPHRASES: Suit up! (or Flight suit up! Snow suit up!) Legendary! (or Legen...wait for it...dary!) Ha-ave you met Ted? (start up line) Awesome! (anything about him or his actions) True story (anything about him or his actions ) Please. (asked about his job) High five! (and many variations : Phone five! Self Five! Tiny five! Foot Five)

Thursday, September 30, 2010


 Voiced by: Sean Schemmel
Mikey's best friend. Gonard plays the diabolical villain of the show who appears 
as a purple ogre-like creature. Though in real life Gonard is nice, very friendly and
often child-like, has an insatiable appetite for sandwiches and lives in LilyMu Towers
with his mother. Gonard is also very strong and muscular and has long blue, spikey hair
with pointed elf-like ears. His name and appearance is a reference to Son Goku from
Dragon Ball Z who was also voiced by Sean Schemmel.

Character List