Characters: Barney Stinson

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Barney Stinson

Barney NICKNAMES: Broda, Barn, The Barnacle, Barnito supreme, Swarley, Swarles( Barkley), Swar-wait-for-it-ley, Bob Swarley-man, Swar-lay, Swarlos, Jennifer, Starney Binson

Barneys ALIASES: Jack Package, The Commodore, Larney (evil twin brother), Swarley, "Ted Mosby, Architect"

Barney Stinson is Ted Mosby's wingman and friend. He almost always wears suits (except when attending funerals because suits are supposed to express joy), is a womanizer and an amateur magician. Is known to use the words "Awesome" and "Legendary" too liberally and often invents his own High Fives.

Barney works at Goliath National Bank but nobody knows what he really does. When asked about what he actually does, Barney merely responds; "Ha....Please." On the official How I Met Your Mother blog it shows that Barney's position allows him to shout to the V.P. Synergy and President of France.

He is in love Ted's ex-girlfriend Robin Scherbatsky, but after dating Robin for a couple of months, the two decided to return to just being friends.

Barney has only one guideline in his no-moral quest for women: "The Bro Code," a book of his own set of rules (although he claims that The Bro Code was written by his ancestor Barnabus Stinson in 1776).

Barney became a suit-wearing womanizer after his long-term girlfriend Shannon cheated on him and then dumped him for a soulless corporate sellout (this person inspired him to be what he is now). Prior to this, he was an amateur musician in a coffee house where he and Shannon worked. He planned to join the Peace Corps with Shannon and go to Nicaragua. He was also saving himself until marriage.

Barney appears confident but is actually very sensitive; he loves Ted and their friendship and often refers to himself as Ted's 'best friend,' which Ted repeatedly denies.

He is also very committed to Marshall and Lily's relationship; when they break up, he is instrumental in bringing them back together, and he is the only one in the group to cry at their wedding ceremony. When he finds out they will try to have a baby after seeing his doppleganger, he dresses up as a knife juggling street performer to attempt to trick them into trying.

His friendship with Robin becomes more and more important to him; after discovering that his philandering is upsetting her after they have broken up, he sends Robin on the perfect New York date with her boyfriend Don, and refuses to sleep with hot writer Anita, played by Jennifer Lopez, jumping into the East River to prevent himself from doing so.

Barney has a brother who is an African-American homosexual named James, and a promiscuous mother who told Barney that his father was Bob Barker, longtime host of The Price is Right, after he was asking too many questions. It is more likely that she was dodging her son's questions about his father since she obviously slept around so much.

He likes to smoke Cubans and play laser tag. He has never lost a game of Battle Ship (he cheats by stacking ships on each other ).

Barney is an illusionist. His favorite type of magic is with fire, which his friends hate because he often uses it to score with girls, and he has set fire to things in the past. He is currently banned from practicing any of his fire illusions in MacLaren's.

Barney CATCHPHRASES: Suit up! (or Flight suit up! Snow suit up!) Legendary! (or Legen...wait for it...dary!) Ha-ave you met Ted? (start up line) Awesome! (anything about him or his actions) True story (anything about him or his actions ) Please. (asked about his job) High five! (and many variations : Phone five! Self Five! Tiny five! Foot Five)


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